My new piece „Abend wird es wieder“ („It will be evening again“), opus 29, is ready now!
It is an evening song for children’s choir (SSSAA) or female choir. Watch the score and listen right now here.

This composition is dedicated to Johann Christian Rinck’s 250th birthday (1770- 1846). He created the melody of this old evening song in 1837.
This composition I wrote during the epidemic crisis in 2020. There is a certain parallelism to the time of creation of the lyrics. In 1837 the poet Hoffmann von Fallersleben suffered from a personal crisis, because he not only worked as a poet at that time, but also as professor and librarian in Breslau, Germany. He mentioned “Abend wird es wieder” in his in his memoirs as a text to console himself.
Ein Abendlied.
Geschrieben in einer Zeit der Krise.
Geschaffen zum Trost.
Zum 250. Geburtstag von Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck.
Melody: J. C. H. Rinck, 1827
Lyrics: A. H. Hoffmann von Fallersleben, 1837
Music: Thaddäus Dorsch, Opus 29, 2020
Duration: approx. 4 minutes