“Eine Stimme, einen Klang, eine Frequenz wahrzunehmen, ist für einen Musiker ein Leichtes.
Doch den wahren Klang der eigenen Seele zu hören, ist eine Kunst.
Wie die Musik selbst.“
“Perceiving a voice, a sound, a frequency should be easy
for a musician.
But hearing the true sound of your own soul is an art.
Just like music itself.”
Music is not only entertainment. Music is essential for the human race. Through creating resonance inside people and touching the soul music provides a higher level of communication to humanity. Music is a perfect way to inspire people to follow the messages of their own soul, and thus make them contribute to a better universe.
That is the way how we musicians can transform the world to be a real better place.
It is my obligation, it is our obligation.
Imagine a world where everyone makes music, is creative and thus makes the universe bloom. I can’t imagine anything but a happy world, a world full of inner and outer peace! Thank You for being part of this movement!

Latest Compositions
“Abend wird es wieder” (It Will Be Evening Again)
for children or female choir, SSAA

„Abend wird es wieder“, op. 29
An evening song for high voices, SSSAA (children or female choir)
Find score, video, lyrics here.
World Premiere – German Choir Festival Leipzig, 2022
“Der Mond ist aufgegangen” (The Moon Has Risen)
2023: joined youth and children choirs Landsberg am Lech
“Wasser” (Water), op. 30

for mixed choir and children’s choir,
SATB plus 1 high voice, partly in canon of 3
Words from Joh 4,13-14 and Psalm 42,2
Premiered 1st July 2023 by joined youth and children choirs
of the city Landsberg am Lech.