Opus 21, 2005
“Hinter meinem Schatten”
Sound track to the movie by Michael Lauterbach
(composed jointly with Michael Lauterbach)
Orchestra, Band
Opus 19 , 2003
“Die Narrheit Gottes”, music for the mystery play by Florian Werner
percussion, strings, choir, schola, organ
- Das Welttheater, 5 min
- Lied des Giocco, 5 min.
- Lasterszene, 5 min.
- Heiligenszene, 5 min.
- Erdteile, 7 min.
- Herz Jesu (Schluss), 5 min.
Opus 6, 1993
“Ruslan und Liudmila”
Ballet music to scenes of the fairy tale by A. Pushkin,
strings and percussion (3 players)
ca. 20 min.